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About Us


Set up in 2008, as a response to the urgent needs of the Georgian Internally Displaced People resulting from the military conflict in Georgia, The Humanitarian & Development Foundation is an organisation which not only upholds the empowerment of people, but also the protection of the environment, as well as respect for cultural differences. They do so through campaigning for funding from small donors and assisting other larger volunteer and grassroots organisations by identifying basic humanitarian rights violations, and discriminatory cutting of life support services such as electricity and water. The organisation will also assist with medical and psychological needs of the Internally Displaced People of Georgia.

Mission Statement

The Humanitarian & Development Foundation, Georgia, a charitable, legal organisation, is dedicated to promoting self-sustainment of the Internally Displaced People of Georgia, protection of their basic humanitarian rights such as water and electricity supplies, and discovery & recognition of smaller groups of Displaced People left behind by the larger Donor Organisations.

The foundation focuses its funding on committed, grass roots organisations that rely strongly on volunteer efforts, and where foundation support will make a significant difference. At least 90% of the Humanitarian & Development Foundation's expenditures will be for the Displaced People’s urgent needs and their sustainment activities.