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F H Bertling Ltd., Georgia

please visit [click to visit web site]

Tel: +995 32 44 33 56
Fax: +995 32 44 33 76

for your kind support

Our Focus


Simply stated, our aims are to:

     Protect basic humanitarian rights
     Raise Awareness
     Promote self-sustainment
     Assist larger Donor Organisations

The Foundation was created in response to the urgent needs of the Georgian Internally Displaced People, resulting from the military conflict in Georgia; the so-called Summer War of August 2008 between Georgia and Russia.

A group of like-minded individuals and organisations mobilised a tremendous amount of aid, not just material aid such as clothing and food, but medical care and, above all, providing comfort to the many distraught people who had lost everything they had, in a few short days.

Please take a few moments to view our photo gallery and imagine what it must be like to suddenly find yourself with nothing but the clothes you are wearing. Many people lost family, friends, possessions, and their homes, in a war which was not of their making.

These people are totally reliant on organisations such as ours to help them recover from their terrible ordeal, and to give them hope that they will one day be able to rebuild their shattered lives. Without the assistance of organisations such as the HDF in the immediate aftermath of the conflict many more people would have died from malnutrition and disease.